Monday, October 10, 2011

Study 1: Crazy Love by Francis Chan...Chapter One Stop Praying!

Our group met for the first time to study this chapter. The first three chapters of this book is to really dig in to who God really is. Do you really know Him? Or is He an afterthought? Someone you turn to at your darkest moments for help or to blame Him when other things don't go your way? This study is in part straight from the book, and in part my own spin on things, as well as what the Lord has laid on my heart as I have been in prayer and studying. I hope you enjoy it...and I look forward to your comments!

Do you acknowledge WHO God really is? Do you come to Him in humbleness? If you were to meet Him face to face would it change how you came to him in prayer?

1 Peter 1:14-16 As obedient children do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who has called you to be holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written; be holy because I am holy.

Once you come to know Christ as your savior....once you ask Him into your heart to will NEVER be the same! How can you? If you truly believe in the Lord and the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you, are you not completely changed? If not...then you need to re-evaluate. When we become followers of Jesus it simply changes everything. It does not mean we will never sin again...only that we come to Him for forgiveness and honor what the Bible tells us to do. Worship Him. Serve Him and others. Seek His will for our lives. Tell others about Him. Simply asking God into our heart and "carrying on" with day to day living is NOT the plan.

So you struggle with sinful friends? Either set an example for them or find new friends. Yes. I mean that. Purge your life of the things Satan will use to drag you down. Surround yourself with people that don't just love Jesus...but who are in love with Jesus. There is a difference. A big one. The ones who pull you away from Christ will not matter when you face a powerful and mighty God face to face. That is a promise. We have a wonderful, comapassionate, merciful God that forgives, but He does not accept excuses. Just repentance.

In Psalm 102:26-27 This is what is said about the people of the world who pressure you and drag you down:
"They will perish but you remain. They will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same and your years will never end."

God's love never changes. Ever. But I guarantee others' love will change. Just quit drinking with them. Just quit giving them money. Just quit letting them use you. Just start going to church and asking them how you can pray for them. You will see the change. Promise.

Before you can surrender to God, you have to respect who He is. If you do not realize how powerful God is, you will never give up control. There are many ways in the the Bible you can learn who He is. My very favorite is the story of Isaiah. Read the book tonight and see what amazing things God did with and through him. Especially read through Chapter 6. Below is the link.

To fully understand this, you have to have a little background. Seraphs are a type of angel derived from the word "burn" When the Bible talks about purification, it is always a painful process. When any type of metal is in its purest form, it is melted down to get all of the impurities out. The more impurities that are burned out, the more valuable the metal. There are examples given in many places throughout scripture. By understanding that, put yourself in Isaiah's shoes...if only during chapter 6. When people in the Bible saw the Holy Spirit...they died. So if there was anyone who actually saw Him and lived...there was something big going on! To be in the temple and only see a portion of the robe of God was incredible. But then, Isaiah was faced with the Seraphs as well.

In a time when moral and spiritual decay had peaked, it was important for Isaiah to know who God is. In today's society our daily frustrations and shortcomings narrow our view of God. After Isaiahs lips were touched by burning coals...yes...real, hot, fiery, burning coals...he realized it was not the coal that cleansed him, but God!! After that could he EVER be the same!!!? God was purifying him with fire. That encounter was life changing! Could YOU ever be the same?

Whyyyyyyyy does it have to take something that huge to make us understand who He is? We know that of course if we were to see God face to face it would change us forever. Honoring and obeying Him would not ever be a struggle. Then why aren't we now? Nothing is different.

"Then the voice of the Lord said, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said...Here I am! Lord, send me!" That is the last verse of Isaiah 6. That is also my favorite verse of the Bible.

Try praying this week by coming into a Holy God's presence. Try praying for the needs of others and not just your own. Thank God for what He has done in your life and not curse Him for was He has not done. Ask Him to show himself to you. He will. And when He prepared to change. Forever.